Current Rating:
4.95 out of 5
4.95 out of 5

Customer Testimonials

"They were so fabulous!"

Written by: Christina Allen
Thursday, December 02, 2021
I cannot recommend Tiffany Wigs highly enough. I worked with Donna and she instantly knew what I needed. I only tried on 3 wigs (synthetic) - i could have bought them all they were so fabulous! I chose the one i tried on second. Donna spent a lot of time instructing me on how to put it on and then let me practice until I was comfortable with the process. She could not have been more helpful and kind. I am having chemo and I was dreading the whole wig selection process - fear of the unknown! But I felt comfortable from the moment Donna greeted me. I had phoned earlier and spoke to Christine who was also very helpful and kind. A heartfelt thank you to Donna and Tiffany Wigs.

POSTED: 12/02/2021 07:47:30 PM
Color Shown: Creamy Toffee - Rooted
Cap: Caplesseva Is A Poised Pixie F...
Color Shown: 44 (Salt & Pepper)
Original Price: $695.00Sale: $375.0...
Long Lace Front Wig (Espresso)
Long Length Human Hair Wig Lace Fro...
Color: 6S130...
Copyright © 2005 - 2024 Tiffany Wigs Inc.
PHONE: (201) 845-4668
Wig store in Rochelle Park, NJ.