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Customer Testimonials

"You are my guardian angel sent from above."

Written by: Julie
Saturday, March 01, 1997
To the staff of Tiffanys' -

Ever since I was a little girl I have been recognized for my long blond hair. 1 year ago I was in a car accident and had damage done to my neck - then my hair started to fall out, I was devastated! What was I to do without any hair on my head? During the winter I was really cold! So finally I decided to try a wig. I was so scared! However, the moment I walk in the store I felt welcomed - you all help me so much and now people don’t even realize I have a wig on! They say that it looks and feels so real, and if I didn’t tell them I had one on they never would of guessed!

Thank you so much. You are my guardian angels sent from above.


POSTED: 03/01/1997 04:00:15 PM
Human Hair (Long)
Color Shown: Spring Honey
Original Price: $3,795.00Unprocesse...
Color Shown: Maple Sugar - Rooted
Original Price: $850.00Sale: $395.0...
Color Shown: Iced Mocha - Rooted
Original Price: $495.00Sale: $295.0...
Color Shown: Coffee Latte
Original Price: $495.00Sale: $375.0...
Copyright © 2005 - 2024 Tiffany Wigs Inc.
PHONE: (201) 845-4668
Wig store in Rochelle Park, NJ.